googer666 - 2011-05-06 22:18:58

Serdecznie Zapraszamy na Promots.Zapto.Org.!

# ~~Global Info~~ IP: (Port: 7171 /Standard/)
# Online: 24/7 ~95%~
# World type: PVP
# Protection level: >150

1-150 : 800x
151-200 : 600x
201-250 : 400x
251-300 : 200x
301-350 : 100x
351-400 : 50x
401-450 : 25x
451-500 : 12x
501-550 : 6x
551 : 3x

# ~~Rates~~ Skill: 50x
# Magic: 50x
# Loot: 5x
# Spawn: 1x

# ~~Houses~~ Level To Buy House: 300
# House Rent: False
# Houses Per Account: 1
# Buy House: !buyhouse, Sell House: !sellhouse, House Kick: alana sio, House Guest List: aleta sio, Leave House: !leavehouse

# ~~Detailed Info~~ pzLocked: 30sec
# whiteSkullTime: 5min
# Remove Ammunitions: False, Remove Runes: True, Remove Potions: True
# Stop Attacking At Exit: False
# Daily Frags To Red Skull: 10
# Daily Frags To Black Skull: 11
# Daily Frags To Ban: 50
# RedSkull: 1 day, BlackSkull: 2 days, Ban: 1 day

# Thais: temple + depo (edited)
# Pacc Towns for all: Edron, Gengia, Goroma, Yalahar, Oken, Ethno
# Gengia: depo (light edited)
# Gengia North Warlocks Exp, North Dragon Lords Exps and Demodras Resp, South Dragons Exp and West Hydras Exp
# Oken Island with West Frost Dragons Exp, East Wyverns Exp and South Warlocks Exp
# Goroma Island with Ferumbras Tower
# Ethno City with Behemoths, Bog Riders, Warlocks, Frost Dragons, Demons, Earth Elementals, Dragon Lords, Giant Spiders etc.

# !aol (you buy amulet of loss)(kupujemy amulet of loss)
# !save (You can save your character after purchase sms shop)(zapisujemy postać po zakupie w sms shopie)
# !serverinfo (viewing server statistics)(sprawdzamy staty serwera)
# !addon Knight (buy selected full addon)(kupujemy wybrany full addon posiadając lalkę)
# !soft (load Softs)(ładujemy softy)
# !firewalker (load Firewalkers)(ładujemy firewalkery)
# !frags (watching our frags)(oglądamy nasze fragi)
# !changesex (you can change your gender)(zmieniamy płeć)

ochrona bydgoszcz